The 12th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty

July 7th -10th, 2013

Utrecht University: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Our Sponsors:

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Invited speakers

We are delighted to announce the invited speakers for the ECSQARU 2013 conference:

Important dates

ECSQARU 2013 will be held in the Academiegebouw of Utrecht University in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

The ISIPTA conference, which shares various themes with ECSQARU, will be held in Compiègne, France, on July 2nd -5th, 2013. To honour this special occasion, we offer a reduced fee for attendance of both events, which includes transfer from Compiègne to Utrecht by bus.


ECSQARU 2013 is organised by members of the Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Chairs, local organisation committee and program committee can be found here.