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3.5 To commit or not to commit: that's the question

From an email of the TM5 founding father, with some censor:

"Now TM5 is under CVS, it seems wise to decide what to do with committing. I noticed that <somebody> committed some new files, which should be encouraged. However, also some files in the base TM5 were committed. e.g. 'base/src/advecty_slopes.F90'.

It is really important that everybody knows the changes that are made and why. And if people do not agree, they can work with an old version. If you want to override a base routine, you can place it in a project directory, e.g. 'proj/mystuff/src/advecty_slopes__co2.F90' . This file will then override the 'advecty_slopes.F90' .

In the future I would like to track the changes in order to avaoid accidents. This also means that committing files to the base version should be communicated to other users. I am willing to take the responsibility to commit and communicate."

Maarten Krol, 15-09-2004

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Created at IMAU on Tue Mar 3 05:00:05 CET 2009 by a slave chained in the basement