Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef UUC3D_38DHJWTOANTQ
00002 #define UUC3D_38DHJWTOANTQ
00004 // vim:set tabstop=4 cindent:
00006 // Author: Geert-Jan Giezeman <geert@cs.uu.nl>
00007 // Copyright: Utrecht University, 2011
00013 #include "basic_io.hpp"
00014 #include <string>
00015 #include <vector>
00016 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
00021 namespace UuIcsC3d
00022 {
00032     struct PreconditionError
00033     {
00034     };
00037     struct OpenError
00038     {
00042         OpenError(std::string const &filename)
00043             : m_filename(filename) {}
00047         std::string filename() const {return m_filename;}
00048     private:
00049         std::string m_filename;
00050     };
00053     struct ContentError
00054     {
00060         ContentError(std::string const &msg, std::string const &filename)
00061             : m_msg(msg), m_filename(filename) {}
00063         std::string filename() const {return m_filename;}
00065         std::string msg() const {return m_msg;}
00066     private:
00067         std::string m_msg;
00068         std::string m_filename;
00069     };
00074 }
00076 namespace UuIcsC3d
00077 {
00079 //      typedef uint16_t unsigned16_t;
00081         typedef unsigned short unsigned16_t;
00104     typedef unsigned char Block[512];
00110         struct HeaderEvent {
00112                 std::string label;
00114                 bool displayed;
00116                 float time;
00117         };
00126         struct Header {
00128                 int trajectory_count;
00131                 int analog_per_frame;
00133                 int first_frame;
00135                 int last_frame;
00137                 int max_interpolation_gap;
00139                 float scaling_factor;
00141                 int data_start_block;
00143                 int analog_samples_per_frame;
00145                 float frame_rate;
00147                 bool has_label_and_range;
00149                 int label_and_range_block;
00151                 std::vector<HeaderEvent> events;
00152         };
00155     struct GroupParamCommon
00156     {
00158         GroupParamCommon(): m_id(0) {}
00167         GroupParamCommon(bool locked, int id, std::string const &name,
00168                                 std::string const &description)
00169             : m_locked(locked),m_id(id), m_name(name),
00170               m_description(description) {}
00172         int id() const
00173         { return m_id; }
00175         void set_id(int id)
00176         { m_id = id; }
00180                 bool is_locked() const
00181                 { return m_locked; }
00184                 void set_locked(bool value)
00185                 { m_locked = value; }
00187         std::string name() const
00188         { return m_name; }
00190         void set_name(std::string name)
00191         { m_name = name; }
00193         std::string description() const
00194         { return m_description; }
00196         void set_description(std::string const &description)
00197         { m_description = description; }
00198     protected:
00200                 bool m_locked;
00202         int m_id;
00204         std::string m_name;
00206         std::string m_description;
00207     };
00213     struct Parameter: GroupParamCommon
00214     {
00218         enum DataType {DtChar=-1, DtByte=1, DtShort=2, DtFloat=4};
00224                 Parameter() {}
00243         Parameter(bool locked, int id, std::string name, int data_type,
00244             std::vector<int> const &dimension_size,
00245                         unsigned char const*data_start, unsigned char const*data_end,
00246             std::string const &description, boost::shared_ptr<BasicIO> io);
00251         DataType data_type() const { return m_data_type; }
00253         std::vector<int> bounds() const { return m_dimension_size; }
00259         unsigned char get_byte(std::vector<int> const &index) const;
00264         unsigned char get_byte(int i1) const;
00269         unsigned char get_the_byte() const;
00275         char get_char(std::vector<int> const &index) const;
00280         char get_char(int i1) const;
00285         char get_the_char() const;
00290                 bool contains_string() const;
00298         std::string get_string(std::vector<int> const &index) const;
00303                 std::string get_string(int i1) const;
00308         std::string get_the_string() const;
00314         int get_short(std::vector<int> const &index) const;
00319         int get_short(int i1) const;
00324         int get_the_short() const;
00330         unsigned get_ushort(std::vector<int> const &index) const;
00335         unsigned get_ushort(int i1) const;
00340         unsigned get_the_ushort() const;
00346         float get_float(std::vector<int> const &index) const;
00351         float get_float(int i1) const;
00356         float get_the_float() const;
00361                 int representation_size() const;
00365                 std::vector<unsigned char> const &raw_data() const
00366                 { return m_data;}
00373         bool check_index(std::vector<int> const &index) const;
00379         bool check_string_index(std::vector<int> const &index) const;
00389                 void set_the_ushort(unsigned16_t val);
00395                 void set_ushort(int i1, unsigned16_t val);
00402                 void set_strings(std::vector<std::string> const &strings, char pad);
00404     private:
00405         int get_offset(int data_size, std::vector<int> const &index) const;
00406                 int get_string_offset(std::vector<int> const &index) const;
00407         DataType m_data_type;
00408         std::vector<int> m_dimension_size;
00409                 std::vector<unsigned char> m_data;
00410                 boost::shared_ptr<BasicIO> m_io; // decoder of binary data, appropriate for input file
00411     };
00417     struct Group: GroupParamCommon
00418     {
00423         Group()  {}
00428         Group(int id)
00429             : GroupParamCommon(false, id, std::string(), std::string()) {}
00433         Group(bool locked, int id, std::string name,
00434                                 std::string const &description)
00435             : GroupParamCommon(locked, id, name, description) {}
00439         void add_parameter(Parameter const &param);
00443         bool has_parameter(std::string const &name) const;
00450         Parameter const &get_parameter(std::string const &name) const;
00457         Parameter &get_parameter(std::string const &name);
00464                 Parameter const *get_parameter_checked(std::string const &name) const;
00471                 Parameter *get_parameter_checked(std::string const &name);
00475                 std::vector<Parameter> const &the_parameters() const
00476                 { return m_parameters;}
00481                 int total_representation_size() const;
00486                 int group_representation_size() const;
00487     private:
00488         std::vector<Parameter> m_parameters;
00489     };
00492     class Content
00493     {
00494                 Header m_header;
00496                 boost::shared_ptr<BasicIO> m_io; 
00497         std::vector<Group> m_groups;
00498                 void parse_params(std::vector<unsigned char> const &);
00499         std::string m_filename;
00500     public:
00501                 Content();
00507         void open(std::string const &filename);
00511         Header const &header() const 
00512         {return m_header;};
00516         Header &header() 
00517         {return m_header;};
00521         boost::shared_ptr<BasicIO> io() const
00522         { return m_io;}
00523         //std::string group_name(int gid) const;
00527         bool has_group(std::string const &name) const;
00534         Group const &get_group(std::string const &name) const;
00541         Group &get_group(std::string const &name);
00548         Group const *get_group_checked(std::string const &name) const;
00555         Group *get_group_checked(std::string const &name);
00559                 std::vector<Group> const & the_groups() const { return m_groups;}
00563                 std::string filename() const { return m_filename; }
00564     };
00568     Content open_c3d_file(char const *filename);
00571     Content open_c3d_file(std::string const &filename);
00574         struct FileInfo1 {
00576                 int data_startblock0;
00578                 int frame_count;
00580                 int points_per_frame;
00582                 int analog_channels;
00584                 int samples_per_frame;
00586                 int frame_size;
00588                 float point_scale;
00590                 bool is_integer;
00591         };
00597 }
00599 namespace UuIcsC3d
00600 {
00609         struct DataPoint3d {
00611                 enum Status { Generated=1, Measured=2, Invalid=64};
00612           private:
00613                 float m_coords[3];
00614                 float m_residual;
00615                 char m_mask; // (bits 0-6 can indicate a camera)
00616                 Status m_type;
00617                 unsigned16_t m_flags;
00618           public:
00620                 typedef float const (&CTripleF)[3];
00622                 DataPoint3d(): m_residual(-1), m_mask(0), m_type(Invalid), m_flags(0)
00623                         {m_coords[0]=0; m_coords[1]=0;m_coords[2]=0;}
00634                 void set_value(float x, float y, float z, unsigned f,
00635                                                 Status v = Generated);
00642                 void set_value(float const*in_coordinates, unsigned f,
00643                                                 Status v = Generated);
00650                 void set_value(double const*in_coordinates, unsigned f,
00651                                                 Status v = Generated);
00653                 void invalidate() { m_type = Invalid; }
00655                 void set_mask(char mask)
00656                 { m_mask = mask;}
00658                 void set_residual(float r)
00659                 { m_residual = r;}
00666                 Status status() const {return m_type;}
00668                 bool is_valid() const { return m_type==Generated || m_type==Measured; }
00670                 CTripleF coordinates() const {return m_coords;}
00672                 float x() const { return m_coords[0];}
00674                 float y() const { return m_coords[1];}
00676                 float z() const { return m_coords[2];}
00681                 unsigned flags() const {return m_flags;}
00683                 char mask() const {return m_mask;}
00685                 float residual() const {return m_residual;}
00687         };
00690         struct FrameData {
00692                 std::vector<DataPoint3d> points;
00694                 std::vector< std::vector<float> > analog_data; 
00695         };
00698         struct SpacePaddedString {
00700                 SpacePaddedString() :m_size(0) {}
00703                 SpacePaddedString(std::string const &str):m_val(str) {compute_size();}
00705                 std::string complete() const {return m_val;}
00707                 std::string stripped() const {return m_val.substr(0, m_size);}
00709                 void set(std::string const &str) {m_val = str; compute_size(); }
00710         private:
00711                 std::string m_val;
00712                 std::string::size_type m_size;
00713                 void compute_size();
00714         };
00716         class C3dFile;
00719         class C3dFileInfo {
00720                 Content m_content;
00721                 FileInfo1 m_fi1;
00722                 std::vector<SpacePaddedString> m_labels;
00723         public:
00728                 C3dFileInfo();
00734                 C3dFileInfo(std::string const &filename);
00742                 bool is_valid() const; 
00744                 int frame_count() const { return m_fi1.frame_count; }
00748                 int points_per_frame() const { return m_fi1.points_per_frame; }
00752                 std::vector<SpacePaddedString> point_labels() const
00753                 { return m_labels; }
00755                 int analog_channels() const { return m_fi1.analog_channels; }
00759                 int analog_samples_per_frame() const { return m_fi1.samples_per_frame; }
00765                 std::auto_ptr<C3dFile> open() const;
00777                 void set_param_blocks(int c) ;
00781                 void set_frame_count(int) ;
00785                 void set_points_per_frame(int) ;
00789                 void set_analog_samples_per_frame(int) ;
00793                 void set_analog_channels(int) ;
00800                 void set_point_labels(std::vector<std::string> const &labels,
00801                                                 char pad = ' ');
00810                 Content const &content() const { return m_content; }
00814                 FileInfo1 const &fi1() const { return m_fi1; }
00816         };
00819         class C3dFile {
00820                 C3dFile(C3dFile const &in); // not implemented: no copying
00821                 struct Impl;
00822                 boost::scoped_ptr<Impl> m_impl;
00823         public:
00825                 C3dFile(C3dFileInfo const &fi);
00826                 ~C3dFile();
00832                 void get_frame_data(FrameData &data, int frame_no) const;
00840                 DataPoint3d get_point(int frame_no, int point_no) const;
00841         };
00844         bool write_with_same_header(std::string const &fn, C3dFileInfo const &fi,
00845                                         std::vector<FrameData> const &data);
00847 //      bool write(std::string const &fn, C3dFileInfo const &fi, std::vector<FrameData> const &data, UuIcsC3d::BasicIO const* encoder);
00855         bool write(std::string const &fn, C3dFileInfo fi, std::vector<FrameData> const &data, UuIcsC3d::BasicIO const* encoder);
00861 }
00863 #endif // UUC3D_38DHJWTOANTQ
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