SIKS-seminar at the occasion of Sicco Verwer's PhD defense On Tuesday March 2th, the day of the PhD defense of Sicco Verwer, some of his PhD defense committee members will give a short presentation on related work. It will be an interesting morning as the presenters are experts in the fields of learning theory, grammatical inference, and formal methods. The seminar is part of the Advanced Components part of SIKS educational program. You are cordially invited to attend both the symposium and the defense. See below for the location, program, and abstracts of the talks. Location: Bordewijkzaal (HB19.130, 19th floor), EEMCS building (Mekelweg 4, big red and blue) TU Delft. The defense will take place in the Senaatszaal in the Aula (Mekelweg 5) of the TU Delft. Program: 10:00 Dr. Cristophe Costa Florêncio -- Finding Consistent Categorial Grammars of Bounded Value 10:35 Prof. Pieter Adriaans -- The Power and Perils of MDL 11:10 Break 11:30 Prof. Frits Vaandrager -- Learning I/O Automata 12:10 Prof. Pierre Dupont -- State-merging DFA Induction Algorithms with Mandatory Merge Constraints 12:50 END Symposium 14:30 Small introductory talk (lekenpraatje) 15:00 PhD defense Sicco Verwer, thesis title: Efficient Identification of Timed Automata 16:00 Reception -- ABSTRACTS -- title: Finding Consistent Categorial Grammars of Bounded Value: a Parameterized Approach by Dr. Christophe Costa Florêncio abstract unknown, topic: fixed parameter tractability results for inducing of categorial grammars. title: The Power and Perils of MDL by Prof. Pieter Adriaans abstract: We point out a potential weakness in the application of the celebrated Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle for model selection. Specifically, it is shown that (although the index of the model class which actually minimizes a two-part code has many desirable properties) a model which has a shorter two- part code-length than another is not necessarily better (unless of course it achieves the global minimum). This is illustrated by an application to infer a grammar (DFA) from positive examples. We also analyze computability issues, and robustness under recoding of the data. Generally, the classical approach is inadequate to express the goodness-of-fit of individual models for individual data sets. In practice however, this is precisely what we are interested in: both to express the goodness of a procedure and where and how it can fail. To achieve this practical goal, we paradoxically have to use the, supposedly impractical, vehicle of Kolmogorov complexity. title: Learning I/O Automata by Prof. Frits Vaandrager abstract: I/O automata and Mealy machines. We show how any algorithm for active learning of Mealy machines can be used for learning output deterministic I/O automata in the sense of Lynch, Tuttle and Jonsson. The main idea is to place a transducer in between the I/O automata teacher and the Mealy machine learner, which translates concepts from the world of I/O automata to the world of Mealy machines, and vice versa. title: State-merging DFA Induction Algorithms with Mandatory Merge Constraints by Prof. Pierre Dupont abstract: Standard state-merging DFA induction algorithms, such as RPNI or Blue-Fringe, aim at inferring a regular language from positive and negative strings. In particular, the negative information prevents merging incompatible states: merging those states would lead to produce an inconsistent DFA. Whenever available, domain knowledge can also be used to extend the set of incompatible states. We introduce here mandatory merge constraints, which form the logical counterpart to the usual incompatibility constraints. We show how state-merging algorithms can benefit from these new constraints. Experiments following the Abbadingo contest protocol illustrate the interest of using mandatory merge con-straints. As a side effect, this paper also points out an interesting property of state- merging techniques: they can be extended to take any pair of DFAs as inputs ratherthan simple strings.