CABS-colloquium 2002 30 January 2002 Titel A dynamic epistemic language to describe concurrent knowledge actions Spreker: Hans van Ditmarsch, Computer Science, University of Otago, Nieuw Zeeland. Datum/Tijd woensdag 30 januari 2002, 15.00 uur Plaats: zaal zaal C007 Centrum Gebouw Noord, De Uithof, Utrecht ABSTRACT: The analysis of communications to subgroups of the public, and the effects of such common knowledge of a subgroup on the information state of a larger group, is currently a major research topic, with potential applications to distributed systems and computer security. I will present a programming language to describe knowledge actions (epistemic actions). To these actions correspond dynamic modal operators that can be added to a multiagent epistemic language. The action language contains operators 'test', 'sequential execution', 'nondeterministic choice', 'concurrent execution', and two 'dedicated' operators: 'learning' an operator with a Kleene-* flavour, and 'local choice'. The concurrency operator is a new addition to the language. It is not part of my PhD thesis work. An action is interpreted as a relation between equivalence (S5) states (i.e. as a state transformer), or - in the case of concurrency - as a relation between an equivalence state and a set of equivalence states (as in Concurrent PDL). An equivalence state is a pointed Kripke model where all relations are equivalences. Bisimilarity of states is preserved under execution of actions, and bisimilar states are modally equivalent. The language can be applied to describe actions in the well-known Muddy Children problem. In the current literature on the subject, the action "the muddy children simultaneously (implicitly) announce that they do not know whether they are muddy" is described as the public announcement of the *conjunction* of all children not knowing whether they are muddy. Instead, using the concurrency operator, we present a description that retains the 'logical form' of the action: it has n (for n children) subprograms 'child i does not know whether it is muddy', that are executed concurrently. Axiomatization and/or completeness results are not yet provided/proven for this language. I will present some tentative results (read: sound principles). I am working with Barteld Kooi and Wiebe van der Hoek on a more general language for epistemic dynamics. We also hope to continue this collaboration by finishing the axiomatization of this more specific language, based on slightly different semantic principles.