Programme co-chairs:
- Linda van der Gaag (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
- Ad Feelders (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
- Silja Renooij (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Programme committee:
- Alessandro Antonucci
- Concha Bielza
- Cory Butz
- Andres Cano
- Barry Cobb
- Giorgio Corani
- Robert Cowell
- Fabio Cozman
- Adnan Darwiche
- Luis M de Campos
- Francisco J Díez
- Marek Druzdzel
- Julia Flores
- Jose A Gámez
- Manuel Gomez
- Christophe Gonzales
- Arjen Hommersom
- Juan F Huete
- Manfred Jaeger
- Kristian Kersting
- Johan Kwisthout
- Helge Langseth
- Pedro Larrañaga
- Philippe Leray
- Jose A Lozano
- Peter Lucas
- Andres Masegosa Arredondo
- Serafin Moral
- Petri Myllymäki
- Thomas Nielsen
- Kristian Olesen
- Thorsten Ottosen
- José M Peña
- José M Puerta
- David Rios
- Teemu Roos
- Antonio Salmerón
- Marco Scutari
- Enrique Súcar
- Jirka Vomlel
- Yang Xiang
- Pierre-Henri Wuillemin
Additional Reviewer:
- Brandon Malone