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ProTeX v. 1.14-AJS

KNMI, The Netherlands

Date: 3 March 2009



Perl filter to produce a LATEX compatible document from a Fortran source code with standard ProTEX prologues.

Original script by NASA GMAO.

Modifications include:

Protex annotations

Protex annotations are special marks in comment lines. In a Fortran90 code, they may look like:

   !ProTeX: 1.14-AJS
   ! % Look at this comment as if the '! ' is not there,
   ! % and what remains should be interpreted as LaTeX.
   ! % <-- This '%' therefore marks comment, and can be used to comment
   ! % on the protex annotations. In the tex file formed by ProTex, 
   ! % these lines are visible as comments.
   ! % Always use a whitespace after the '!', required to split the line.
   !   This a description of the code.
The following comment types are recoqnized:
file type comment string
Fortran90 !
scripts #
C \\
ADA --

A useful first ProTeX statement is to identify the lowest version number of the protex script that is able to interpretate the comment:

   !ProTeX: 1.14-AJS
If not set, the default '1.14' is used.

The highest level of Protex annotations surround a block of code and define the function of the block. In the example above, the '!BOI' and '!EOI' marks define the begin/end of the 'introduction'. The supported begin/end marks are:

block begin mark end mark description
introduction cBOI cEOI introduction text
prologue cBOP cEOP function/subroutine headers
prologue internal cBOPI cEOPI function/subroutine headers for internal usage
code cBOC cEOC source code

The 'Introduction' part

The introduction is the first section in the tex document. Optionally, a title page is written.

The following is an example of a an introduction in Fortran90.

   ! % At least one of the following keyswords should be set
   ! % to create a title page:
   ! !TITLE:        ProTeX v. 1.15
   ! !AUTHORS:      Arjo Segers
   ! !AFFILIATION:  KNMI, The Netherlands
   ! !DATE:         21/04/2004
   ! % Add one or more sections using the 'INTRODUCTION' keyword.
   ! % Non-keyword lines before the '!INTRODUCTION' keyword 
   ! % will mess up the tex file and should therefore be
   ! % introduced with a '%' as tex comment.
   ! !INTRODUCTION: Introduction
   !   % Text after the 'INTRODUCTION' keyword is interpreted as tex, 
   !   % and therefore might contain tex commands.
   !   % Use the tex 'verbatim'-environment or the ProTeX shorthands
   !   %  '\bv'..'\ev' to pass text literally.
   !   This is a very useful introduction.

The 'Prologue' part

The 'Prologue' describes functions and subroutines.

   ! !MODULE: xxx
   ! %\subsection{Fortran:  Module Interface xxx (Source File: fff)}
   !   !INCLUDE: xxx
   !   %\subsubsection{Include File xxx (Source File: fff)}
   !   !ROUTINE: xxx
   !   %\subsubsection{xxx (Source File: fff)}
   !   !FUNCTION: xxx
   !   %\subsubsection{xxx (Source File: fff)}
   !   !IROUTINE: yyy xxx
   !   %\subsubsection [yyy] {yyy xxx}
   !     % The following keywords are optional.
   !     % The remainder of a keyword line is skipped.
   !     % Text up to the next keyword is passed verbatim.
   !     !PUBLIC TYPES:               \sf       
   !     !PRIVATE TYPES:              \sf       
   !     !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS:    \sf       
   !     !PRIVATE MEMBER FUNCTIONS:   \sf       
   !     !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS:        \sf       
   !     !DEFINED PARAMETERS:         \sf       
   !     !INTERFACE:                  \sf       
   !     !GENRIC NAME:                \sf       
   !     !USES:                             \em
   !     !PARAMETERS:                       \em
   !     !ARGUMENTS:                        \em
   !     !INPUT PARAMETERS:                 \em
   !     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:          \em
   !     !OUTPUT PARAMETERS:                \em
   !     !RETURN VALUE:                     \em
   !     !SYSTEM ROUTINES:            \sf       
   !     !FILES USED:                 \sf       
   !     !CALLING SEQUENCE:           \sf       
   !     !CALLED FROM:                \sf       
   !     !LOCAL VARIABLES:            \sf       
   !     !REMARKS:                    \sf       
   !     !BUGS:                       \sf       
   !     !TO DO:                      \sf       
   !     !SEE ALSO:                   \sf       
   !     !AUTHOR:                     \sf       
   !     !REVISION HISTORY:           \sf       
   !     % The discription is a special keyword, since the text 
   !     % following the keyword is interpreted as tex.
   !     % Use the '-x' command line option to pass descriptions
   !     % in verbatim mode.
   !     !DESCRIPTION:
   !     This is the description.
   !     Text is interpreted by tex.
   ! !CLASS: xxx
   ! %\subsection{C++:  Class Interface xxx (Source File: fff)}
   !   !METHOD: xxx
   !   %\subsubsection{xxx (Source File: fff)}

Example in Fortran90:

     ! !ROUTINE: Welcome
     ! !INTERFACE: 
     subroutine Welcome( status )

       ! --- in/out ------------------------------

       ! !ARGUMENTS:
       integer, intent(out)      ::  status

       ! --- doc ---------------------------------

       ! !DESCRIPTION:
       !   Print a welcome message.
       ! !RETURN VALUE:
       !   Non-zero on error.

       ! --- begin -------------------------------

       ! print welcome message:
       print *, 'hallo!'

       ! ok
       status = 0

     end subroutine welcome

Use marks BOPI/EOPI to define a prologue that is usually for internal usage only; output of such a prologue is ommited if with the '-i' option.

Tips and tricks

Be carefull with 'end{verbatim}' in the sourcefile; this will cause LaTeX to break ...

Routine/Function Prologues

ProTeX v. 1.14 - Translates DAO Prologues to LaTeX


   protex [-h] [-b] [+-inlsxf] [-FSCA] [src_file(s)]
   Help flag:

     -h       Help mode: list command line options

   Skip/include flags:

     -b    Bare mode, meaning no preamble, etc.  

     -i (+i)  internal mode: omit prologues marked !BOPI  
     -s (+s)  Shut-up mode, i.e., ignore any code from BOC to EOC 
     -l (+l)  Listing mode, default is prologues only 

        mark           description           default -b -i -s -l
        -------------  --------------------  ------- -- -- -- --
                       Preamble (titlepage)     +     -
        BOI , EOI      Introduction             +
        BOP , EOP      Prologue                 +
        BOPI, EOPI     Prologue Internal        +        -
        BOC , EOC      Code                     +           -
                       source listing           -              +

   Style flags:

     -n (+n)  New Page for each subsection (wastes paper) 
     -x (+x)  No LaTeX mode, i.e., put 'DESCRIPTION' in verbatim mode 
     -f (+f)  No source file info 

   File type flags:

     flag   file type   comment
     ----   ---------   -------
      -F    Fortran      !        (default)
      -S    script       #
      -C    C            //
      -A    ADA          --

Perl filter to produce a LATEXcompatible document from a DAO Fortran source code with standard ProTEX prologues. If source files are not specified it reads from stdin; output is always to stdout.

The options can appear in any order. The options, -h and -b, affect the input from all files listed on command-line input. Each of the remaining options effects only the input from the files listed after the option and prior to any overriding option. The plus sign turns off the option. For example, the command-line input,

        protex -bnS File1 -F File2.f +n File3.f
will cause the option, -n to affect the input from the files, File and File2.f, but not from File3.f. The -S option is implemented for File1 but is overridden by the -F for files File2.f and File3.f.


   For a more detailed description of ProTeX functionality,
   DAO Prologue and other conventions, consult:

     Sawyer, W., and A. da Silva, 1997: ProTeX: A Sample 
     Fortran 90 Source Code Documentation System.
     DAO Office Note 97-11
   20 Dec 1995    da Silva      First experimental version                                       
   10 Nov 1996    da Silva      First internal release (v1.01)                                   
   28 Jun 1997    da Silva      Modified so that !DESCRIPTION can appear after !INTERFACE,       
                                and !INPUT PARAMETERS etc. changed to italics.                   
   02 Jul 1997    Sawyer        Added shut-up mode                                               
   20 Oct 1997    Sawyer        Added support for shell scripts                                  
   11 Mar 1998    Sawyer        Added: file name, date in header, C, script support              
   05 Aug 1998    Sawyer        Fixed LPChang-bug-support-for-files-with-underscores             
   10 Oct 1998    da Silva      Introduced -f option for removing source file info               
                                from subsection, etc.  Added help (WS).                          
   06 Dec 1999    C. Redder     Added LaTeX command "\label{sec:prologues}" just                 
                                after the beginning of the proglogue section.                    
   13 Dec 1999    C. Redder     Increased flexbility in command-line                             
                                interface.  The options can appear in any                        
                                order which will allow the user to implement                     
                                options for select files.                                        
   01 Feb 1999    C. Redder     Added \usepackage commands to preamble of latex                  
                                document to include the packages amsmath, epsfig                 
                                and hangcaption.                                                 
   10 May 2000    C. Redder     Revised LaTeX command "\label{sec:prologues}"                    
                                to "\label{app:ProLogues}"                                       
   10 Oct 2002    da Silva      Introduced ARGUMENTS keyword, touch ups.                         

   15 Jan 2003    R. Staufer    Modified table of contents to print only section               
                                headers - no descriptions                                      

   25Feb2003  R. Staufer  Added BOPI/EOPI and -i (internal) switch to provide            
                          the option of omitting prologue information from output files.

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TM5 2009-03-03