Glossary - Garbage gobblers
Aerobic: In conditions with air, i.e. with oxygen. While we need oxygen to breathe, it is toxic to
many other organisms. An important distinction is therefore whether an organism is aerobic or
Anaerobic: In conditions without air, i.e. without oxygen. While we need oxygen to breathe, it is
toxic to many other organisms. An important distinction is therefore whether an organism is
aerobic or anaerobic.
Carbonyl: A type of molecular bond in which a carbon atom is attached to an oxygen atom with
a double bond, i.e. C=O
DA (Dalton) A unit of molecular weight. 1 Da = 1g/mol
Extracellular matrix: A collection of extracellular molecules secreted by cells that provide them
with structural support or cohesion and/or biochemical support. In this specific instance, one can
think of a sort of slime that keeps the bacteria together and traps nutrients, making them
continuously available to the bacteria.
Hetereotrophic: Concerning organisms that acquire carbon for growth from organic carbon, i.e.
that eat plants or other animals to build their bodies.
Functional group: A group of atoms on an organic molecule that possesses its own chemical
Metabolic activity: the breakdown of macromolecules into smaller parts, whereby energy is