Urban Biology!
Urban Biology!

References - Chasing bats in Utrecht

(1) Catto, C. M. C., Racey, P. A., & Stephenson, P. J. (1995). Activity patterns of the serotine bat(Eptesicus serotinus) at a roost in southern England.Journal of Zoology, 235(4), 635-644.

(2) Harbusch, C. (2003). Aspects of the ecology of serotine bats (Eptesicus serotinus, Schreber1774) in contrasting landscapes in southwest Germany and Luxembourg (Doctoraldissertation, University of Aberdeen).

(3) Catto, C. M. C., Hutson, A. M., Raccey, P. A., & Stephenson, P. J. (1996). Foraging behaviourand habitat use of the serotine bat (Eptesicus serotinus) in southern England. Journal of Zoology, 238(4), 623-633.

(4) Kervyn, T., & Libois, R. (2008). The diet of the serotine bat: A Comparison between rural andurban environments. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 138(1), 41-49.

(5) Petrzelkova, K., & Zukal, J. (2001). Emergence behaviour of the serotine bat (Eptesicusserotinus) under predation risk. Netherlands Journal of Zoology,51(4), 395-414.

(6) Robinson, M. F., & Stebbings, R. E. (1997). Home range and habitat use by the serotine bat,Eptesicus serotinus, in England. Journal of Zoology, 243(1), 117-136.

(7) Catto, C. (1993). Aspects of ecology and behaviour of the serotine bat (Eptesicus serotinus)(Doctoral dissertation, University of Aberdeen).