The 12th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty

July 7th -10th, 2013

Utrecht University: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Instructions for presenters:

see instructions page.

Program at a glance

The registration desk is open on every morning and early afternoon of the main conference days. In addition, the desk is open on Sunday from noon until 6:00 pm.

Tutorial program

The ECSQARU is preceded by a Tutorial day on Sunday July 7 (2013).

Conference program

The main ECSQARU conference program runs from Monday July 8 until Wednesday July 10 (2013).

Best Paper Jury

The jury for selecting the best paper is monitored by L.C. van der Gaag and consists of:

The jury for selecting the best student-paper is monitored by S. Renooij and consists of:

Invited talks

Each day of the conference starts with an invited talk. Our three invited speakers are:


Prior to the main conference, on Sunday July 7, we have the afternoon filled with 4 tutorials. Separate registration is required for the tutorial program, and provides entrance to all 4 tutorials.


We originally planned for a workshop in addition to the tutorial program; in the end we have decided against this. There will therefore be no workshop.