Instructions for presenters
Presentation slots will be 30 minutes. This means that each speaker has 25 minutes for presenting his or her paper; the remaining 5 minutes are reserved for questions and switching between speakers.
A computer (with pdf reader and MS Office 2010) and video projector will be available in all rooms. Although it is possible to connect your own laptop, we prefer that you upload your presentation to the conference computer. Please make sure that your presentation works properly in the break prior to your session (see program).
In case you require technical support, a student volunteer will be present in each room 15 minutes prior to the start of a session, staying on until the end of the session.
Please contact us if you require computerfacilities not mentioned above.
Instructions for chairs
When you are chairing a session, please make sure that you are present in the room well before the start of the session, and that you have verified that all presenters are there as well. In addition, please make sure that all presentations run on time. To aid you in this, in each room you can find a set of cards to indicate the time left to the presenter.Instructions for conference paper submission
Final paper submission deadline: April 22nd, 2013 (11:59 PM, UTC-12)In accordance with the previous events, the proceedings of ECSQARU 2013 will be published in the Springer LNCS/LNAI Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series. Please read the following instructions carefully:
- authors should prepare their conference papers in the LNCS/LNAI format;
- papers must not exceed 12 pages;
- papers in pdf, together with all source files and a signed copyrightform, must be submitted electronically through Easychair (see the LNCS/LNAI author instructions' checklist of items to be sent to the volume editor).
Each accepted paper requires a separate conference registration for publication; alternatively a fee of 100 euros can be payed for each additional paper.