The 12th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty

July 7th -10th, 2013

Utrecht University: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Conference venue

ECSQARU 2013 is hosted by Utrecht University. Utrecht University, founded in 1636, is the second largest university in the Netherlands. ECSQARU 2013 will be held in the University Hall (Academiegebouw), which is situated in the heart of Utrecht at

Domplein 29
3512 JE Utrecht
(see map at bottom of the page).

Scheduled for 2013 are two major international events that Utrecht University is closely involved with: 300 years of the Treaty of Utrecht, celebrated through an international programme filled with music, theatre, festivals, debates, exhibitions and conferences. And the European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF), an important international sports event that will take place from 14 - 19 July 2013.


Utrecht can be easily reached by train from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Public transport within the city is also excellent. The conference venue is at walking distance from the main train station Utrecht Centraal Station (CS), and from most hotels.


Numerous hotels can be found in or near Utrecht. ECSQARU has block reservations with ITBholland - travel by design (terms and conditions). They have rooms available in the following hotels, which are marked with a dot in the label on the map below.

Some other hotels available in the city centre of Utrecht are:

Social events

The welcome reception will take place in the Dom church courtyard.

The conference dinner will take place in De Oranjerie, in Doorn; bus transportation to and from the dinner site will be provided.

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