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8.9 Example: NCEP operational data

The abbreviation for the NCEP model is 'gfs' (global forecast system), and this will be used to denote the product.

8.9.1 Archive

There is no central archive for the NCEP meteo like ECMWF's MARS archive, but several individual institutes are downloading and archiving the files every day. At NOAA, ncep-gfs meteo has been obtained from a NCAR archive maintained by Phil Rasch and Dani Bundi . Some files might be missing if they have not been grabbed from the NCEP ftp site within a day.

The archive consists daily tar files, with 3 hourly files based on analysis times 00, 06, and 12. Example:




          20040614/20040614.12.09.SFLUXGrbF Cray binary files

Binary files are named '.SF' and contain spectral fields for orography, log surface pressure, vorticity, divergence, virtual temperature, and humidity.

Format description is available on: .

From the 'description' in the CDC NetCDF files it has been concluded that 'ncep spectral' / sqrt(2) = 'ecmwf spectral' . Grib files

Grib files are named '.SFLUXGrbF' and contain 2d surface fields.

Local tables :

Example contents:

          > wgrib  20040614.00.00.SFLUXGrbF

          rec param  grib  kpds6 kpds7 TR P1 P2 TimeU vertical                temporal     NAve
          1   UFLX    124  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          2   VFLX    125  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          3   SHTFL   122  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          4   LHTFL   121  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          5   TMP     11   1     0     10 0  0  1     sfc                     anl          0
          6   SOILW   144  112   10    10 0  0  1     0-10 cm down            anl          0
          7   SOILW   144  112   2760  10 0  0  1     10-200 cm down          anl          0
          8   TMP     11   112   10    10 0  0  1     0-10 cm down            anl          0
          9   TMP     11   112   2760  10 0  0  1     10-200 cm down          anl          0
          10  WEASD   65   1     0     10 0  0  1     sfc                     anl          0
          11  DLWRF   205  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          12  ULWRF   212  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          13  ULWRF   212  8     0     3  0  0  1     nom. top                0-0hr ave    0
          14  USWRF   211  8     0     3  0  0  1     nom. top                0-0hr ave    0
          15  USWRF   211  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          16  DSWRF   204  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          17  TCDC    71   234   0     3  0  0  1     high cld lay            0-0hr ave    0
          18  PRES    1    233   0     3  0  0  1     high cld top            0-0hr ave    0
          19  PRES    1    232   0     3  0  0  1     high cld bot            0-0hr ave    0
          20  TMP     11   233   0     3  0  0  1     high cld top            0-0hr ave    0
          21  TCDC    71   224   0     3  0  0  1     mid cld lay             0-0hr ave    0
          22  PRES    1    223   0     3  0  0  1     mid cld top             0-0hr ave    0
          23  PRES    1    222   0     3  0  0  1     mid cld bot             0-0hr ave    0
          24  TMP     11   223   0     3  0  0  1     mid cld top             0-0hr ave    0
          25  TCDC    71   214   0     3  0  0  1     low cld lay             0-0hr ave    0
          26  PRES    1    213   0     3  0  0  1     low cld top             0-0hr ave    0
          27  PRES    1    212   0     3  0  0  1     low cld bot             0-0hr ave    0
          28  TMP     11   213   0     3  0  0  1     low cld top             0-0hr ave    0
          29  PRATE   59   1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          30  CPRAT   214  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          31  GFLUX   155  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          32  LAND    81   1     0     10 0  0  1     sfc                     anl          0
          33  ICEC    91   1     0     10 0  0  1     sfc                     anl          0
          34  UGRD    33   105   10    10 0  0  1     10 m above gnd          anl          0
          35  VGRD    34   105   10    10 0  0  1     10 m above gnd          anl          0
          36  TMP     11   105   2     10 0  0  1     2 m above gnd           anl          0
          37  SPFH    51   105   2     10 0  0  1     2 m above gnd           anl          0
          38  PRES    1    1     0     10 0  0  1     sfc                     anl          0
          39  TMAX    15   105   2     2  0  0  1     2 m above gnd           valid 0-0hr  0
          40  TMIN    16   105   2     2  0  0  1     2 m above gnd           valid 0-0hr  0
          41  WATR    90   1     0     4  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr acc    0
          42  PEVPR   145  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          43  CWORK   146  200   0     3  0  0  1     atmos col               0-0hr ave    0
          44  U-GWD   147  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          45  V-GWD   148  1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          46  HPBL    221  1     0     10 0  0  1     sfc                     anl          0
          47  PWAT    54   200   0     10 0  0  1     atmos col               anl          0
          48  ALBDO   84   1     0     3  0  0  1     sfc                     0-0hr ave    0
          49  TCDC    71   200   0     3  0  0  1     atmos col               0-0hr ave    0
          50  TCDC    71   244   0     10 0  0  1     convect-cld layer       anl          0
          51  PRES    1    243   0     10 0  0  1     convect-cld top         anl          0
          52  PRES    1    242   0     10 0  0  1     convect-cld bot         anl          0
          53  TCDC    71   211   0     3  0  0  1     bndary-layer cld layer  0-0hr ave    0

In the current set, gaps are present in the accumulated fields, since for example '00.03' and '00.06' are not available but only '00.03' and '06.00' :

          fc time   field  P1  P2  temporal
          04061400  SHTFL  0   0   0-0hr ave
          04061400  SHTFL  0   3   0-3hr ave
          04061406  SHTFL  0   0   0-0hr ave
          04061406  SHTFL  0   3   0-3hr ave
          04061412  SHTFL  0   0   0-0hr ave
          04061412  SHTFL  0   3   0-3hr ave
          04061412  SHTFL  0   6   0-6hr ave
          04061412  SHTFL  6   9   6-9hr ave

8.9.2 Rc file settings

          tinterp.*          :  interp3
  :  const3
  :  aver3

          tmm.sourcekey.glb6x4.*         : ncep-gfs:
          tmm.sourcekey.glb1x1.*         : ncep-gfs:

          tmm.setup.008.apply    :  T
          tmm.setup.008.files    :  SF SFLUXGrbF
          tmm.setup.008.sources  :  ncep-gfs:
   :  ${SCRATCH}/ncep.gfs

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Created at IMAU on Tue Mar 3 05:00:05 CET 2009 by a slave chained in the basement