Program Advanced Course "Computational Intelligence"


Monday October 1 2001

09.30 - 10.25 Registration, Coffee in the Conference Hall of the Mitland hotel, Utrecht
10.25 - 10.30 dr J.C. Bioch (EUR) and dr. I.G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper (UM): Welcome and Announcements
10.30 - 12.00 dr U. Kaymak (EUR): Data-driven fuzzy modeling: fuzzy reasoning, fuzzy models, fuzzy clustering, hybrid fuzzy models, feature selection, rule base optimization
12.00 - 13.15 LUNCH ( and incheck)
13.15 - 14.45 dr J. van den Berg (EUR): Exception Learning (competitive exception learning, probabilistic fuzzy systems, applications in computational finance).
14.45 - 15.00 break
15.00 - 16.30 dr. R. Potharst (EUR), drs V. Popova (EUR): Ordinal classification (ordinal datasets, ordinal decision trees, ordinal classification and rough set theory).
16.30 - 16.45 break
16.45 - 18.15 dr W. Pijls (EUR): Frequent itemsets applied to classification and target selection (algorithms for frequent patterns, target selection, datamining).
18.30 - 20.30 DINNER

Tuesday October 2 2001

09.00 - 10.30 dr. E.N. Smirnov (UM): Recent developments in Version Spaces with applications in data mining
10.30 - 10.45 break
10.45 - 12.15 dr. I.G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper (EUR) dr. E.O. Postma (EUR): Application of Evolutionary Algorithms and Neural Networks to Adaptive Behaviour.
12.15 - 13.15 LUNCH
13.15 - 14.45 dr. P. Vogt: Adaptive Behaviour and Language Games.
14.45 - 15.00 break
15.00 - 16.30 dr. P. Vogt: Hands-on Robots
16.30 - 17.00 Conclusions and evaluation