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General Chair:
- Linda van der Gaag
- Universiteit Utrecht
Program Chairs:
- Linda van der Gaag
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Jan Broersen
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Silja Renooij
- Universiteit Utrecht
Local organisation:
- Chair: Steven Woudenberg
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Chair: Silja Renooij
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Janneke Bolt
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Jan Broersen
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Linda van der Gaag
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Merel Rietbergen
- Universiteit Utrecht
- Rita Jansen
- (additional support)
Program Committee
12th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty
The biennial ECSQARU conferences constitute a major forum for advances in the theory and practice of reasoning under uncertainty. Contributions come from researchers interested in advancing the technology and from practitioners using uncertainty techniques in real-world applications. The scope of the ECSQARU conferences encompasses fundamental issues, representation, inference, learning, and decision making in qualitative and numeric uncertainty paradigms.
Previous ECSQARU events have been held in Marseille (1991), Granada (1993), Fribourg (1995), Bonn (1997), London (1999), Toulouse (2001), Aalborg (2003), Barcelona (2005), Hammamet (2007), Verona (2009), and Belfast (2011).
The Twelfth European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty will be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on July 8th -10th, with a tutorial and workshop programme on July 7th, 2013.