Karthaus summer school 2008

Zur Goldenen Rose

The Karthaus summer school was accommodated in the excellent hotel Zur Goldenen Rose.



Traditionally the summer school has several musical events. This year we had two, both after dinner: one on Saturday the 13th and the other on Friday the 19th. Lyrics and more can be found here.


Some participants were not only truly artistic photographers, but also made a few nice videos. You can check them here.


Italy is known for its great food. Go to this page for an overview of the Schnastal valley cuisine.

Karthaus, outside

Great view over Karthaus.
From the other side of town, a shot of the group outside the lecture room.
A stunning rainbow over Karthaus.
One of the appartments where students stayed in.
A beautiful sunrise from Kreuzspitse (the cross).
Early morning view over Karthaus.
The Weisskugel as seen from the cross.
Students working on excersises, nice outside in the sun.
The other table, also nice in the sun.
Olaf with his daughter, how cute is that.
Relaxing after the last lectures on Friday.
The hotel by night.
Some shots of the football match.